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Top 10 AngularJS Alternatives to Choose for Development in 2022

Top 10 AngularJS Alternatives to Choose for Development in 2022

Yogesh Kumar1777 22-Jun-2022

AngularJS was released by Google in 2010. It is a Javascript-based open-source framework and is widely used for dynamic web app development. Around 70,000 companies use Angular in their tech stack. Some of the popular names in the list are Forbes, Upwork, Paypal, IBM, The Guardian, and Deutsche bank.

There are many other frameworks, however, the popularity of AngularJS is unmatched. Different-scale businesses want to hire AngularJS developers for their online presence. But, some front-end frameworks are also performing well and gaining popularity rapidly.

The popularity of AngularJS leads businesses to find some alternatives to this framework. However, there can be other reasons also. Let’s explore!

Why There Is a Need to Look for AngularJS Alternatives?

AngularJS has reached the End of Life status. Yes, you read it right. It can create problems because when an open-source framework is supported by a huge community for a long time, no more patches are released.

So, in this case, if a new critical vulnerability is discovered in AngularJS, you will find no patches to seek help. In other words, the long-term support for AngularJS has been discontinued.

Although AngularJS will remain available because it offers unmatchable features and functionalities, many other frameworks can also be used instead of it. Even, many frameworks are doing great already. For better understanding, have a look at the image below and know the most used web framework among developers.

Top 10 AngularJS Alternatives to Choose for Development in 2022

10 Popular AngularJS Alternatives to Use in 2022

I have highlighted the top 10 AngularJS alternatives below. You can read about them and know why they are gaining attention from the developers.


React has been a choice of many developers since its release in 2013. Like AngularJS, it is an open-source, front-end JavaScript library. The library is backed by Facebook and a large community of developers.

It was mainly developed to build user interfaces. React has become the highest competitor of AngularJS. Thereby, many developers like to go with React over AngularJS. Because React is easy to learn, flexible, lightweight, and has support from Facebook (Meta).

Moreover, it allows easy migration between different versions. According to the report by Statista, React topped the list of the most used frameworks with 40.14% of respondents among software developers in 2021.


Vue.js is popular among developers to build web interfaces and one-page applications. It is a contemporary of React because it was launched in 2013. Moreover, 0.7% of all websites, are Vue.js. It offers some unique features.

Vue.js strength lies in two main features; you can incorporate this library into the existing projects effortlessly, and it is a tiny 20KB min+gzip runtime and blazing fast virtual DOM.

This open-source library uses the traditional Model View Controller (MVC) to view the user interface. It can be applied to both desktop and mobile applications.

Likewise, Vue.js can beat AngularJS in size because you can develop a large project using Vue.js still it remains lightweight. However, the case is different with AngularJS.


Aurelia creators call it “the Next-generation UI framework”. It is a JavaScript client framework for desktop, mobile, and web. You will find the modern JavaScript modules in this framework. It contains many libraries that work in Tandem with well-defined interfaces that make it modular and flexible.

This feature is missing in AngularJS because it was ideally developed as a monolithic Framework with a lot of components in one bundle. Moreover, there is no need to specify the controllers of view models, unlike AngularJS.

You can use Aurelia as a perfect alternative to AngularJS because it is flexible and easy to use. Find an AngularJS development company, that is gradually switching from Angular to its alternatives.


Mithril is a modern client-side JavaScript framework and is widely used for single-page application development like Angular. It is a small framework with a size of <10kb gzip. It is fast and provides routing and XHR utilities.

The developers have to learn only a few functions to use Mithril. So, the easy learning curve of this framework attracts more developers. Moreover, it is extremely fast in comparison with AngularJS because Mithril is lightweight and has a few functions to use.

The regular updates have made this modern client-side framework faster. In addition, developers can use the new plugins easily and do editing and formatting effectively.


Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework. It follows the MVVM (Model-View-View-Model) pattern. It is beneficial for the front-end developers because this model is widely used and has community support.

Mostly, large companies use Ember.js, because it is suitable for big-size projects. So, it is too large for simple or small projects. That is why it is called a framework for ambitious web developers.

Ember.js focuses on the productivity of developers than expressiveness. You can find various conveniences using Ember and make your life as a developer easy. Although Ember.js is not as popular as AngularJS, it is the best choice to build complex client-side applications.


Backbone.js is designed to build single-page web applications. It is also a JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface. It is a lightweight library and is based on model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.

Although “Backbone” is an odd name for a front-end framework, it offers key-value binding and custom events. Moreover, it encompasses declarative event handling. Developers like to use Backbone.js, instead AngularJS because it is easy to use and simple to learn.

Likewise, the collection in backbone.js is tightly integrated with the JavaScript library underscore.js. So, the developers can call the underscore methods easily directly on Backbone objects. Moreover, you will find a more unopinionated approach in this lightweight and flexible framework.


Polymer is an open-source JavaScript library. It is also created by Google in 2015. So, the developers can create custom elements with the help of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Thereby, they can build flexible and scalable complex web applications with ease.

You can use the command-line interface to manage from the simple components to large projects. Moreover, Polymer allows one and two-way data binding thus the developers can create web applications fast.


You can seamlessly develop desktop, mobile, and web applications and deploy all of them impeccably with the help of Meteor. You can integrate meteor into other frameworks with ease. It offers an extensive collection of libraries, that allows developers to focus on enhancing the features.

Many consider it the best alternative to AngularJS. Meteor contains the set of technologies to develop connected-client reactive applications and a curated set of packages.

Likewise, the developers have to use the same code for web browsers and mobile devices because meteor contains a universal application. Moreover, you will not have to update it when changes occur in the database.


Knockout is popular among beginner developers because it has a low entry barrier. So, the easy learning process attracts many developers towards it. You can implement a model-view-view model pattern with templates.

The main features of Knockout are browser support, dynamic models, built-in exercises, and easy binding. Although it doesn’t have as many features and functionalities as Angular, many developers are using it due to its main features.

Sencha Ext JS:

Sencha Ext JS was originally created as an add-on library extension. It is the best choice to build interactive web applications for various platforms. You can use it as a full framework to build single-page applications.

Various developers use it as a minimal component framework to create dynamic grids. After the latest update, you can use Sencha Ext JS as a single script and as a supplement for application building.

Wrapping Up

These were the few alternatives to AngularJS, you can find many others as well. But, remember, every framework comes with its own set of pros and cons. So, understand your requirements first because then only, you can find the best AngularJS alternative.

Yogesh Kumar is a Digital Marketing Manager with more than 7 years of experience. He grew up in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and completed his Master's degree from a reputed university. With his passion for writing, he delivers many informative articles and blogs in software development. That help many people to improve their knowledge in the IT, app, and web development sector. He likes to cook in his free time and discover new recipes.

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